CUUG. Calgary UNIX Users Group. Dedicated to Unix & Open Systems

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Last Update: $Date: 2024-06-17 15:30:38-06 $


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June General Meeting

Wireless Location

An Introduction to Wireless Location

Speaker: Kyle O'Keefe, Professor of Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary

Kyle will provide an introduction to Geomatics Engineering including a short history, and some basics about coordinate systems, measurement, methods, and models and then explain the different ways that mobile devices determine their positions and conclude with some examples and the future outlook.

Kyle O'Keefe is a professor of Geomatics Engineering at the University of Calgary where he has worked on Global Navigation Satellite Systems and ground-based wireless location research since 1998.

Place 800

800 - 6 Ave. S.W.
Fourth floor Synopsys office

There is $2 parking after 16:00 one block north-east of the meeting location, in the underground parkade at McDougall Centre.

5:30 PM, Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Snacks at 17:30. CUUG Annual General Meeting begins at 18:00. Presentation begins immediately after AGM.

Attendance is free for CUUG members, or $10 (cash only) at the door for non-CUUG members.

RSVP to office at CUUG if you plan to attend.

Annual General Meeting and Elections

The Calgary UNIX Users' Group is holding its Annual General Meeting and election of the 2024/2025 Board of Directors. Nominees so far include the following:

If you would like to volunteer or nominate someone else, please contact cuugboard at CUUG.

Place 800

800 - 6 Ave. S.W.
Fourth floor Synopsys office

There is $2 parking after 16:00 one block north-east of the meeting location, in the underground parkade at McDougall Centre.

5:30 PM, Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Snacks at 17:30. Meeting begins at 18:00.

Attendance is free for CUUG members, or $10 (cash only) at the door for non-CUUG members.

RSVP to office at CUUG if you plan to attend.

Membership Renewals Due

It is annual renewal time for CUUG memberships. Membership fees remain at $50.00 (no GST), and cheques can be made payable to Calgary UNIX Users' Group. Our mailing address is as follows:

Calgary Unix Users' Group
Box 878, Station M
Calgary, AB   T2P 2J6

Invoices have been sent by email. If you have not yet received yours, please contact office at CUUG.