CUUG Meetings: 2001-2002
Last update: $Date: 2024-08-27 21:37:40-06 $
Past Meetings: 1999-2000   2000-2001   2001-2002   2002-2003   2003-2004   2004-2005   2005-2006   2006-2007   2007-2008   2008-2009   2009-2010   2010-2011   2011-2012   2012-2013   2013-2014   2014-2015   2015-2016   2016-2017   2017-2018   2018-2019   2019-2020   2020-2021   2021-2022   2022-2023   2023-2024   2024-2025

Elections to CUUG's Board of Directors

will take place at the June general meeting:
     Tuesday, June 25, 2001, 6:00 p.m.
     Regency Palace Restaurant
     328 Centre St. S.E.
NOTE THE CHANGE OF ADDRESS. Unfortunately, due to the G8 meeting shutting down most of downtown Calgary, we do not have access to our usual meeting location.

The following are the candidates for the Board of Directors:

  • Bob Bramwell
  • Connie Brander
  • Roy Brander
  • Ken Brown
  • Howard Colwell
  • Blair Dean
  • Robin Greig
  • Mark Hewitt
  • Greg King
  • Keith McClary
  • Paul McPhee
  • Earl Morris
Read their biographies here.

Tuesday May 28 Meeting

Speaker: Roland Davis and Paul MacPherson
from CUUG diamond sponsor:

Sun MicroSystems Inc
Topic: Sun Microsystems, Cobalt Servers, Java, Linux and Network Computing

Roland Davis will speak on the direction of network computing, including Java and the maturity of Web Services. Paul MacPherson will talk about Sun's Cobalt server appliances (they run Linux) and also about Linux at Sun.

  • Cobalt Servers
  • Java
  • Linux at Sun
DATE & TIME : Tuesday May 28, 2002 -- 17:30 (pizza), 18:00 start

LOCATION : Basement Meeting Room, W.R. Castell Central Library 616 Macleod Trail S.E

Tuesday April 23 Meeting

Unveiling of new multimedia-capable computer donated by CUUG diamond sponsor
As you probably know, in 1998 a number of CUUG members started a project to provide internet access for the residents of the Bethany Care Centre. CUUG volunteers now support a network of PCs and Linux/Unix servers, all behind a Linux firewall. Bethany residents use email and the web to keep in touch with family, friends and the rest of the world.
Tour of the room where the resident computers are located.

Note change of time and location for this event only.

TIME : 18:00

Tuesday March 26 Meeting

FURBY TOPIC: The Furby's New Mind
SPEAKER:Jeffery Gibbons

In January 1999, Peter van der Linden challenged the hacker community to create an improved Furby which could be modified by reprogramming. Calgary's Jeffery Gibbons won that challenge by giving the Furby a brain transplant.

The Furby Upgrade is a pin compatible board replacement for the Tiger Electronics' Furby "brain". Intended as a programmer/geek toy, it allows you to reprogram your furby to do pretty much whatever you want (within the constraints of the original Furby hardware).

Read more at "The Bee" --

The Furby Challenge --
The Furby Upgrade --

Tuesday February 26 Meeting

TUX TOPIC: Linux Distributions
SPEAKER: Calgary Linux Users Group

CLUG members will outline the defining characteristics and status of important Linux distributions (SuSe, Debian and Slackware as well as the Linux Standards Base)

TIME : 1730(pizza), 18:00 start
LOCATION : Basement Meeting Room, W.R. Castell Central Library 616 Macleod Trail S.E

DOOR PRIZE: Gift Certificate from Nexus Computer Books

Tuesday January 22 Meeting

TOPIC: Assessing IT Risk with Threat Trees
SPEAKER: Terry Ingoldsby (DCExperts and Amenaza Technologies)

Threat Tree Analysis identifies potential areas of concern, eliminates threats that are not likely to be exploited and provides insight into which issues should be addressed first. In other words, it tells you who will attack, where they will attack and whether or not if you should care.

At its most fundamental level, assessing risk is easy. It can be easily computed using:

Risk = (Probability of an incident) x (Consequences of Event)

Unfortunately, this isn't as easy as it might seem. An incident's probability is derived from statistics gathered over time. None of our IT systems ever last long enough to gather meaningful statistics about events that (hopefully) don't happen very often. Threat Tree Analysis doesn't have this weakness.

Terry Ingoldsby was a founding board member of the Calgary Unix Users' Group. Terry is a principal of Distributed Computing Experts Corporation, a consulting company specialising in administering mission critical systems and network security. Terry's second company, Amenaza Technologies, helps it's customers predict how their systems may be attacked and who will do it. Amenzana also creates tools and methodologies that help people understand their Information Technology risks.

TIME : 1730(pizza), 18:00 start
LOCATION : Basement Meeting Room, W.R. Castell Central Library 616 Macleod Trail S.E

Tuesday December 11 Meeting

TOPIC: Open Source / Open Standards - The Alternative to Microsoft
SPEAKER: Richard Huntrods

Using Java, Servlets, Tomcat, MySQL, and SOLARIS, Richard Huntrods details the development of the "Quick Test International" skills assessment system, with a demonstration provided. This web application provides a complex interactive experience that does not require the browser to be compatible with anything more than plain HTML, using server-side Java and open-source software.

Richard Huntrods, BSc, MEng, is a Calgary-born chemical engineer who has worked in various IT roles for most of his career, starting with black-oil reservoir modelling, continuing through many freelance programming projects, and more recently as the Computer Technology Program Director for SAIT, and Java instructor.

TIME : 1730(pizza), 18:00 start
LOCATION : Basement Meeting Room, W.R. Castell Central Library 616 Macleod Trail S.E

DOOR PRIZE: Gift Certificate from Nexus Computer Books

November Meeting

TOPIC: An overview of encryption methods, the big picture.
SPEAKER: Dr. Mario A. Forcinito, PEng , Technical Director ,

Slides of the presentation (.pdf)

NON-ELEPHANT Encryption Systems (NE2)

Description of the main encryption methodologies, from old theories to new developments, strenghts and weaknesses. Cryptographic primitives: what are they and how they work together. What is and what isn't PKI. Description of the main public encryption systems.

Dr. Forcinito has a multidisciplinary background spanning the fields of Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Computational Mechanics, Biomechanics and Non-linear Science. He designed and developed software for computational fluid dynamics and non-linear analysis of wrinkling membranes. For the last two years he has been involved in research and development of cryptographic primitives. Dr. Forcinito is the author of five papers published in peer reviewed international journals and ten papers published at international conferences. His research efforts had been funded by NRC and NSERC. He is a member of the Real Sociedad de Matimaticas Espaqola (Spanish Royal Mathematical Society), IEEE Computer Society and APEGGA. Dr. Forcinito has a MSc in Computational Mechanics and a PhD in Biomechanics, both from the University of Calgary.

DATE : Tuesday November 27, 2001
TIME : 1730(pizza), 18:00 start
LOCATION : Basement Meeting Room, W.R. Castell Central Library 616 Macleod Trail S.E

October Meeting

TOPIC: Backup and Recovery - then and NOW!
SPEAKER: Glenn Stur_tevant of CUUG Diamond sponsor
Hewlett/Packard Ltd
Having been in the computer business for 23 years, Glenn has focused on storage for the past 8. Glenn has an understanding of both mainframe and open systems requirements having worked with Amdahl and StorageTek. Glenn currently is a Technical Consultant, Offline Storage with Hewlett-Packard Calgary. Glenn is a graduate of both the University of Waterloo and McGill University.
DATE & TIME : Tuesday October 23, 2001 -- 18:00 to 21:00
LOCATION : Basement Meeting Room, W.R. Castell Central Library 616 Macleod Trail S.E

September Meeting - Open House

CUUG's primary objective is the promotion of Unix and open systems. This September's general meeting will be dedicated to that purpose. If you have been thinking of introducing a colleague to CUUG this is the event for it.

Members of the public can pick up free admission tickets at Nexus Computer Books (311 - 17th Avenue S.W., 229-2520), or the Students' Associations at SAIT or U of C.

DATE & TIME : Tuesday September 25, 2001 -- 18:00 to 21:00
LOCATION : Basement Meeting Room, W.R. Castell Central Library 616 Macleod Trail S.E
DOOR PRIZE : Gift Certificate from Nexus Computer Books
BRING A GUEST (or 2 or 3) There are 2 door prizes for non-members:

  • attend either the Linux course or the Firewall workshop
  • CUUG membership
  • Linux Demo - Linux at work and play
  • BSDwall project - turn that old 486 into a firewall, protect your computer from internet bad guys
  • the Computer Resource Centre (CRC) - The CRC is CUUG's volunteer sysadmin group
  • Computers donated by our sponsors, including a Sun Ultra and a Compaq Alpha
  • Wiring the Bethany Care Centre