Silver Level
CUUG sponsorship levels
Diamond: $3500
- Your logo and a link to your web site on CUUG's main web page
- Preferential placement of your logo and a link to your web site on
CUUG's sponsorship web page
- Your logo on our occasional printed newsletters
- One-time inclusion of your one-page corporate literature or flyer
with our printed newsletter
- Your corporate literature on the "sponsor" table at our monthly
general meetings
- One guaranteed CUUG meeting dedicated for a technical presentation
of your choice
- 5 free memberships
Gold: $2500
- Your logo and a link to your web site on CUUG's sponsorship web page
- Your logo on our occasional printed newsletters
- Your corporate literature on the "sponsor" table at our monthly
general meetings
- One guaranteed CUUG meeting dedicated for a technical presentation
of your choice
- 2 free memberships
Silver: $1500
- Your logo and a link to your web site on CUUG's sponsorship web page
- Your logo on our occasional printed newsletters
- 1 free membership
Bronze: $500 or other contribution, by arrangement with sponsorship committee
- Your logo and a link to your web site on CUUG's sponsorship web page
Your focused financial support of a technical group such as CUUG benefits your
company in that it gives you exposure to a large group of IT professionals, and
it exposes your IT staff to a broad range of topics.
Your generous contributions benefit the group by enabling us to fund special
programs, cover meeting room costs, possibly bring speakers from out of town,
and provide refreshments to our members and guests.
Those wishing more information about sponsoring our group are encouraged
to contact cuugboard.