Roy Brander,P.Eng

When this page was first posted in 1993:

In 2008:

Home (Roy & Connie, Vancouver): (604) 681-2002

Mobile: 604-704-1527

Pursuant to a good suggestion from Slashdot, I'm removing it.
How's this: if you're human and not a bot, notice my name, take the hint that I patronize a large search corporation for my communications needs, and GUESS MY E-MAIL!
Now there's a Turing Test...

B.Sc. Civil Engineering, University of Calgary, 1980
B.Sc. Computer Science, University of Calgary, 1985

Structural Design (concrete and steel) - Fluor Engineers and Constructors, 1980-1982
Computer Systems Management, Programming - RE/SPEC Consultants 1985-1986
Microcomputer User Support - City of Calgary Data Processing Dept 1986-1989
Information Systems Coordinator - Calgary Waterworks 1989-1997
Sr. Infrastructure Engineer - Calgary Waterworks 1997-2005
Sr. Infrastructure Engineer -- Calgary Water Resources 2005-2017

I managed projects to determine the actual state of our mains through non-destructive testing, did forensic analyses of pieces of mains and valves removed for replacement, and combed through the databases we developed to decide where to best spend the millions of dollars budgeted each year. With the amalgamation of Engineering groups from Waterworks and Sewer into "Water Resources" in 2005, it became my job to do this for all three pipe systems, and eventually help the "AM" strategy for the plants, as well...a total infrastructure with a replacement value of $30B.


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