What is Orange and Glows?

by Bonnie Liesemer, David Dewar, Jeff Dewar, Mary Lou Dewar, Alan Dewar, Bob Dewar and Louis Zimmerman

They were not sure what to do with it when they first found it. It was just lying there in the yard -- an orange orb with glowing eyes and a strangely shaped glowing mouth.

Fortunately, they did not remain without hint. A clue was made available as to the friendliness level of the face ball when it spoke. "Poyo fiyayo! fiyayo!" This was uttered in a very distinct tone of voice, you see.

It seems the little fluff-ball had fallen in orange spray paint (however that works) and eaten some sort of highly radioactive metal -- that's why he seemed to be glowing. Black Bart was the one who decided to make a pet out of him. However, 'Curby,' as Bart named him, didn't like that idea.

"I want to be called Orange Majesty," he said, but because he was using his own language, what Bart heard was, "Mgo voluns Orangy Mxty."
Bart thought for a moment, and decided to disregard the strange muttering. "Come along, Curby -- we'll check out the new show at the Plaza."

Curby's understanding of Bart's language was better than Bart's understanding of Curby's, but it was nevertheless imperfect, and he understood Bart to be suggesting that they borrow a gnu which was being shown at the pizza parlor. This intrigued Curby, so he bounced along behind Bart, until they eventually arrived at the C-Train platform.

The C-Train took only 18 minutes to get downtown. Curby tried to buy 2 tickets to the show, but nobody understood him, so Bart attempted to translate into Klingon, as he thought everyone understood Klingon. However, the message came out as...

"I want to eat your Popsicles."
Several people misunderstood.
When Bart and Curby regained consciousness, several weeks had passed. The ICU staff at Foothills were intrigued by Curby, but they had no idea what it was, either.

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