The Adventures of Pooky

by Bob Dewar, David Dewar, Megan Dewar, Doug Dewar, Alan Dewar, Shane Dewar, Mary Lou Dewar and Jeff Dewar

Following the third snowstorm of the week, the snow plow came by and covered up my favourite pet Pooky who then went viral.

Yes, poor Pooky rapidly became an Internet sensation as his Vlog about what it was like being buried down there just kept getting more and more views.

Pooky was very scared.

He had a rare condition called "Santaclaustrophobia" which of course is the fear of a fat geezer parking a sleigh pulled by northern ungulates on top of your snow cave.

Pooky's fear was so great that he decided to move to the South Pole and disguise himself as a penguin.

But it was not going to be easy.

He didn't know how to get there.

Thankfully, some of his viewers recognized him and offered their assistance. However, after a long discussion with his fans and much soul searching, Pooky returned home ... the very next day, in fact!
Stupid cat.

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